Termite Exterminator and Fleas DIY - Natural and Works 100% Results within 24 hours!
- Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic round worms that attack over 200 different species of soil pests and wood boring insects, which includes termites.
- Beneficial Nematodes are a natural and effective way to control soil pest without using harsh chemicals.
- These Live Beneficial Nematodes are Guaranteed Fresh and Alive!
- Treats up to 1,500 Sq. Ft. Depending on Infestation if you purchase 5 million nematodes. Refer to chart (included with the images) as to how many to buy for your property size. Contact us if you would like to order 125 million or 250 million nematodes.
- Not Available for Shipping to Hawaii or Puerto Rico. Only ships to the 49 remaining states.
- This package contains a mix of nematode species: Steinernema feltiae (Fungas Gnat Exterminator), Heterohabditis bacteriophora (Grub Exterminator) and Steinernema carpocapsae - Flea Extertminator.
- Attacks: Ants (Queen),Asparagus Beetles,Armyworms, Artichoke Plume Moths, Bagworms, Banana Moths, Banana Weevils, Berry Root Weevils, Beet Armyworms,Bill Bugs, Black Vine Weevils,Black Cutworms, Bluegrass Weevils,Cabbage Maggots, Carpenter Worms, Borers –Iris, Tree, Vine, Carrot Weevils, Caterpillars, Chinch Bugs, Codling Moths, Chafers, Citrus Weevils, Colorado Potato Beetles, Corn Root Worms, Corn Borers,Corn Earworms, Cotton Bollworms,Cranberry Girders, Cranberry Root Weevils,Crane Fly Larvae, Crambids,Crate Flies, Cucumber Beetles, Cutworms, European Chafers, Flea Beetles, Fleas –Adult, Fire Ants,Fleas,Fly Larvae,Fungus Gnat and More!
- Simply add water and release with a watering can, hose end sprayer or other apparatus. Complete instructions included.
- Nematodes actively hunt for insect larvae, entering through natural body openings. Once inside the larvae, the nematode excretes bacteria from its digestive tract before it starts to feed and multiply. Within a few days the pest will change color and die. The nematodes multiply and develop within the dying insect, before leaving the old host to hunt for more pests. As the number of pests decrease, so will the nematode population. For this reason seasonal releases are recommended.
- Storage Storage temperature 36-45˚F. DO NOT FREEZE Store unactivated nematodes for up to 30 days. Once activated nematodes must be released within 6 hours. Store nematodes in the dark. Environmental Conditions Nematodes are susceptible to ultraviolet light (UV). Nematodes are susceptible to various chemical pesticides. Use caution when treating other diseases and pests. For optimal results, the ground surface should be moist.
- Do recommend using every other month from March through September.
That is CRUCIAL, as if you do not have the correct type of sprayer or dispenser method, you could possibly lose your nematodes to fine mesh or narrow openings. However, one can also mix them in a bucket of 59-69 degree (F) water and dispense them with a cup or watering can with large openings. - Personally, for whatever reason, I did not see the same results using the bucket method. The sprayer method WORKS!
The key to success is to follow the instructions to the letter - pay attention to your storage temps, and the temperature of the water you mix them in. Make absolutely sure you water the application area of your lawn or garden before AND after you apply the nematodes, and absolutely NO UV light should ever reach them. (Meaning, you only apply the nematodes in the early morning hours or evening hours when the sun is about to set---You might get some strange looks from neighbors because of this)
If you follow the instructions exactly and use an appropriate dispersal method, you too will gain the benefits of your purchase.
Important: The nematodes are live. You can check if your nematodes delivered alive by downloading a microscope app on your phone. You can also use your camera app and zoom in.
Worked great on fleas! I had a serious flea infestation. One application and a week later, hardly any fleas, 2 weeks in and no fleas. It was much easier than the multiple times regular pesticides would have to be applied. I have 50 million new best friends in the yard! Product arrived well packages, cool pack was thawed but I can't argue with the results, they guys were ready to go to work.
Killed all my subterranean Termites in SW Florida! Great Product! Sprayed the Nematodes per the Sprayer (which I ordered separately) directions. Also watched a youtube how-to. Really very simple to apply. Did get some clogging in the sprayer and just removed the tube and cleansed it, then worked find again.
I have to say, I wish I would have known about these Nematodes years ago. By accident I found out about them via certain wording I had never used before during an Internet search to get rid of termites. Within a two week period, I sprayed three times in the early evening hours underneath two houses in SW Florida, one of them built in 1902. I knew for certain by the end of March, that these microscopic critters had destroyed the termite nests because otherwise I would have been swarmed during the evening hours around any lights and would have found clear wings and dead termite bodies around the window and door trims. All this for a total of $86., which included the sprayer for 30 million of them! And some dragging around of new garden hoses to spray, aiming underneath the house and a good 15 feet away from the house all around each building. I would even water under the house then 15 feet away from the house the next morning, since the nematodes like moisture.
I'm still smiling, NO More Termites! Yeay!
Been using these little bugs for years...Best Pest Control EVER!!!!! These even work for Mosquitos in dry areas as they breed in gardens and lawns that are damp. many people think that Mosquitos only breed in water but her in dryer Western states they breed any where that is damp enough to lay and hatch eggs.
Also kills every other egg laying pest NOT including earth worms and other beneficial garden bugs...Flees/Ticks/ all the nasty pests die with in a week as their eggs are invaded by the Beneficial Nematodes...
We live on a golf course and I spray the area and we have no flying, creeping nasties!!!