9’ x 12’ Sky Blue Floral Paradise Area Rug

homeroots home decor

SKU: HR395801

Staying true to simplicity and sophistication with a subtle color palette, this Sky Blue Floral Paradise Area Rug can be combined with a wide range of interior styles. The soft shade of green with intricate patterns gives it a soothing look to induce a relaxing ambiance into your place. Made with 100% premium wool to ensure durability, stain resistance, and versatility to work well in your living room, foyer, dining area, or office space. The medium pile construction caters to a soft surface texture for a rich and comfortable underfoot. With a soft-toned palette and harmonizing patterns brimming all over the surface, this area rug will never go out of style with its grace and finesse. 108” x 144” x 0.4”